Monday, April 27, 2009

Day 4

La Abuelita
We started off the morning by stopping in on a little business that was just started through the Cause for Hope called "La Abuelita" who makes "Cafe de Cereal". This little business makes what looks (and tastes like) coffee. However, it is made out of corn, rice, wheat, and some other grain that I can't remember right now. We were affectionately calling it "Cafe Mormon" because members here really like it and it is not really coffee. Anyway, we stopped by to see how she makes it and start the process of consulting her little business. It was really interesting to see the process she goes through. We are going to stop by tomorrow to get much more in depth with her. By the way, the picture of me grinding the cafe is inside the house. Also, Tim Hart took the picture of me drinking the "cafe". I think he thinks he is going to blackmail me with it. We all drank a glass and it was good.

The Well
When we got to the house to check out "La Abuelita", there was a guy down in a 30 foot well inside their "house" cleaning it. We were looking at the well and all of the sudden I heard a voice asking to throw down a rope. I had no idea there was a guy down there. The grandpa grabbed a rope and lowered it down and the guy inside the well proceeded to Tarzan his way up and out. When he got out, he was wearing a t-shirt and underwear and was soaked.

The rest of the day wasn't too exiciting. We were in meetings with Tim Evans and the mangers of the Mazatenango, Reu, and Quetzaltenango offices. Each manager gave a report on how this office is doing and some examples of sucess stories. It is amazing to see that about 60 families per office have already increased their earnings and savings by over 50% through this program. Also, Tim and I stayed after our meetings and watched the Reu manager give a seminar on starting businesses. About 10 people showed up and it was good. Today was our last day of training/meetings and tomorrow the real action begins.


  • Yesterday when we were walking to church, we passed a pile of about eight bloody cow hides laying in the road
  • I stink at Celsius and Kilometers
  • Reading a Chinese food menu in Spanish is hard
  • There are armed guards outside of any place which is half nice
  • I saw the ginormous cockroach last night
  • Reu is cleaner than Mazatenango (I am in Reu in the picture above)
  • Notice how I am at least a head taller than the guy walking by in the picture, I feel huge here!
  • Guatemala is really growing on me


  1. That was a good post honey! The last pictures totally cracks me up! You seem huge compared to that guy next to you! lol! And I can't believe that is their house! We are so very blessed here in America. Good job crankin' out the mormon coffee dude. what a stud. Now if you can learn to Tarzan yourself out of a well with nothing but a rope, then I'll really be impressed. Love you!

  2. Ryan,
    OK, now I think I know what I'm doing again. Enjoyed your post and pictures once again. Some random thoughts: Is the lady's brew a recipe she came up with? Maybe you'll get a picture of roachzilla. You could start the GBA and be the Yao of Guatemala. Don't go into one of those wells. Keep up the good work!
    Luv ya,
    Mom and Dad

  3. I did take a pic of Roachzilla but I thought I would spare you all from seeing it!

  4. oh dear sweet giant roaches.... ;) looks like things are awesome dude.

  5. We definitely need a pic of the roach.

    You going to bring back some of the "coffee" so we can have a tasting party in the Blue Line once the semester starts?
